We love featuring fabulous local businesses, like Pikes Peak Market, but we also like giving you a closer look into who these wonderful local business owners and leaders are. From the Pikes Peak Market Board President himself, here are Chris Cipoletti's answers to the three questions we ask each interviewee.

When it comes to your business, what are you most excited about for this next year?
I’m most excited about what Pikes Peak Market can do for Colorado Springs. After a short 6 months, we’re moving into a bigger space because we’ve already outgrown where we started. We’re building a community of great local food vendors, helping incubate their businesses and providing resources to create success. And we’re building community, bringing people together to talk, engage with each other, be entertained, and experience Colorado Springs in new and exciting ways. All of this is happening as Pikes Peak Market continues to grow and bring value to our community.

What's your favorite place in Colorado Springs?
My favorite place in Colorado Springs, after Pikes Peak Market (of course!) is the Garden of the Gods. It has incredible beauty with its natural red rock formations. You can walk on well maintained paths or venture off to more secluded areas, and when you are on your bike, it’s an exhilarating ride. I see something new and different every time I walk, ride, or drive through Garden of the Gods.

What's saving your life right now? (It can be silly, serious, or anything in between!)
Doing demolition in the new Pikes Peak Market space is what is saving my life right now. With lots of work commitments that are mentally taxing, meetings and conversations that take time for a project to come together, there’s something truly exciting about taking a sledge hammer to a wall and knocking it down. And it’s more fun when I know that good things for Pikes Peak Market are being built in the space we’ll be moving into at 315 E Pikes Peak Ave (just around the corner from where we are now).
Be sure to check out Pikes Peak Market in downtown Colorado Springs and don't miss our video as Chris shares the heart behind this community-minded nonprofit which helps local artisans grow their businesses.